"By Vel"
This is a story told without words: daring, bold, stylish, and also magical and charming - this is exactly it - a collection from designer Vel Yurchenko. What kind of girl is “by Vel”? The one who is not afraid to experiment, is not afraid to be in the spotlight, the one which imitate and admire. It's easy, interesting and always fun with her, because it combines the inner and outer beauty. Do you know her?
"By Vel"
This is a story told without words: daring, bold, stylish, and also magical and
charming - this is how she is - a collection from designer Vel Yurchenko.
What is she like, "by Vel" girl?
The one who is not afraid to experiment, is not afraid to be in the spotlight, the one who
which is imitated and admired. It's easy, interesting and always exciting with her,
because it combines inner and outer beauty.
Do you know her?